
New energy vehicle soft connection

Product overview

The soft connection of new energy vehicle batteries refers to the connecting wire between the electric vehicle battery pack and the battery, which can be bent and called a soft connection. The soft connection of new energy vehicles can eliminate the problem of poor battery pack conductivity caused by loose fasteners caused by vibration during operation. At the same time, the light weight of the soft connection can effectively increase the range of new energy vehicles.

Application examples

台东市| 榕江县| 西城区| 阳城县| 临高县| 宽甸| 高要市| 海兴县| 莱芜市| 南充市| 明光市| 普定县| 通榆县| 佛学| 体育| 义马市| 平乐县| 茂名市| 浠水县| 平果县| 安阳市| 新沂市| 田阳县| 康乐县| 隆德县| 靖江市| 芦溪县| 郯城县| 宝丰县| 女性| 开远市| 深水埗区| 舒城县| 泗阳县| 岳西县| 永仁县| 靖安县| 海门市| 湖南省| 文化| 通江县|